"Foodtopia looks at the utopian future of our food. In this series of photographs I explore what it might look like to provide healthy, sustainable food for everyone without harming the environment while simultaneously contributing to the health of the planet.
“How can farming help to address climate change and protect biodiversity while continuing to feed an expanding population?” was a question posed at a recent UBS European Conference. According to the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organisation, by 2050, farmers will need to increase food production by 60% in order to feed nearly 10 billion people. A challenge made harder by degraded soils, and the rise in increasingly extreme weather events caused by climate change.
Kath Dalmeny, Chief Executive of Sustain said; “We are entering a decade in which we must achieve a radically different way of organising ourselves and organising the food system: one that restores nature, averts catastrophic climate change and ensures that everyone can live and eat well.” For this work I photograph those leading the way and pioneering emergent solutions across the UK, solutions such as urban farming, vertical farming, hydroponics, regenerative agriculture, re-wilding and cellular agriculture to name just a few."